First two books of Fever series

Darkfever (Fever #1) - Karen Marie Moning Bloodfever (Fever #2) - Karen Marie Moning

This series has a really high rating on Goodreads (4+). So i was like this had to be awesome. My expectations were really high, then i read the first one. It was terrible, it gave me the worst headache. The protagonist (Mac) is beyond annoying, and i didn't find any character appealing at all (yes even Jericho, dodge fans knifes). Still, i manned up, and finished it. Then i started the second, because i have it (yes, it was cheap, so i got the set, i know stupid), anyway It improved, I didn't feel like strangle Mac throughout the book.The story line moved a little, and we got some character building. Overall, this series was a disappointment, I really expected fireworks or something similar. However, since i have the rest of the series, i will try to read one every now and then. Hopefully, a miracle will happen and it improves immensely.